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May 15, 2008


Peter Rollins

I have ordered this book (obviously you are so 'in' that you get free copies, unlike us mere mortals). But can't wait to read it as it looks like a powerful and potential influential book.


Kester - Spoke with Shane earlier this week -- the odds of Shane becoming involved in partisan politics is nil. NOW there are some other progressives you should keep your eye on. See www.anevangelicalmanifesto.com - only a smattering of women and minorities signed on not to mention a few types that have some alliances with some rather creepy Christians. If you want to research this further email me off board and I can give you some pointers.

We have groups like faithfuldemocrats.org, Cross Left, etc. trying to stake a claim for the democrats but they can't seem to get their act together.

Definitely get the documentary www.ordinaryradicals.com when it comes out in September.

Peter - if you haven't actually ordered the book yet, give me a buzz. Shane and I have that same editor and I can get them to send you a copy provided you'll blog about it.

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