There are lots of reasons why you really should go and buy Tom Sine's new book 'The New Conspirators', and none of them are that it's got a quote from me telling you to on the back.
One of them would be that I think it's the best looking Christian book I've seen for ages. Really good design work. Unfortunately, the US version is the usual pap, so you'll have to go direct to Paternoster and get the one that'll properly grace your shelves.
Another would be that Tom Sine is a genuinely incredible person. Carson can talk about 'Becoming Conversant With the Emerging Church', and others can prattle on about the emerging conversation; Sine actually is conversant with a massive number of people from around the world. When he tells stories, people ought to listen.
When the great book of life is opened, some would see it that it'll be the stellar Christians like Mclaren, Baker, Rollins and Wallis who should get all the plaudits. I wouldn't want to take anything away from any of them, but quietly, 'one mustard seed at a time' Tom has been actually inspiring people to do the stuff. It's a quiet, background role, perhaps, but I think if you could trace the significance of his words and actions through all the things that have happened because of them, you'd have quite an amazing list. Vaux certainly owes him its existence in many ways.
So go buy the book and get some low down on the real stuff people are doing beyond the spun-sugar of so much else that markets itself as the emerging conversation. And you'll have a nice looking cover to boot too.
wow... how does the organic and fluid topography of the UK version transform into that boxy grid layout of the american version? i feel cheated.
i'm looking forward to diving in, regardless of which cover i have :)
Posted by: David | April 24, 2008 at 08:12 PM
Thanks for this nice review. I got your Complex Christ through Tom, after asking for something substantial to read.
Community Catalyst at Mustard Seed Associates
Posted by: Eliacin | April 24, 2008 at 09:02 PM
LOL. That is too funny!!! Can the author of The Betrayal of Fidelity get no respect?
Posted by: Kevin | April 25, 2008 at 02:32 AM
I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Tom. I've only spoken with him a couple times, but what an incredibly genuine, humble guy. My heroes are the ones who are quietly getting the job done, and Tom is doing just that.
Posted by: Benjamin Sternke | April 25, 2008 at 04:43 AM
Bugger... I feel aesthetically inadequate now... I have the "bad cover" version :(
Posted by: Mark | May 03, 2008 at 10:44 PM