Last April, in the build-up to Easter, I posted a series of thoughts about Jesus and Paul's journeys toward Jerusalem, and the very different attitudes they took when arrested there. I argued that in Paul's 'strategising' to get himself to Rome, we see the conception of power-Christianity, which perhaps came to full birth with the rise of Constantine and his assimilation of Christianity as a political and military tool.
For those interested in exploring this further, I highly recommend listening to this episode of the fantastic BBC programme 'In Our Time', which discusses the Nicene Creed. What's fascinating is how this statement of faith was actually itself a set of statements designed to allow certain Bishops to 'sign up' to the view of faith Constantine wanted. It was 'delicate theology and robust politics.'
As such, it too is couched in politically loaded language, and thus, as the contributors point out, a creed that helped move Christianity from a religion of peace, to one of war and power; from a 'sea of boats all moving on their own tacks generally toward belief in Jesus, to one mothership, which demanded this creed as a boarding pass.
As you may know, the council was called in part to deal with the 'Arian Heresy', and Arius himself became a figure of hate in the Church. He died in a public toilet as his bowels exploded, and the church later set up a statue of him on that site, encouraging people to piss and shit on him. Nice touch that. Just what Jesus would have done.
Do not listen to Melvyn Bragg whilst driving or operating heavy machinery.
Posted by: LauraHD | March 05, 2008 at 05:10 PM
My bowel has exploded several times in public toilets.
Posted by: Nic | March 05, 2008 at 05:16 PM
Why does this whole post not surprise me.
Posted by: Jonathan Brink | March 05, 2008 at 10:36 PM
I don't know, Jonathan. You're going to have to tell us I'm afraid.
Posted by: Kester | March 06, 2008 at 08:03 AM
Wow. It's tidbits of history like this that make me want to profess almost any other religion than Christianity. I honestly have no idea how we walk around so proud of a history that is so steeped in corruption and a philosophy that reflects anything but the spirit of love. Maybe I could come up with a new fake religion and profess that instead. Maybe I could be Budjewish, or how about Pagahindi? How about an agno-wiccen?
Posted by: Jessica | March 09, 2008 at 05:54 PM
I listened intently to the BBC program you posted here, and re-read your notes on the end of strategy.
I feel like because the temptation towards empire being as strong as it is, we may just need to strategize more, not less, with the intention on keeping ourselves *away* from categorization, labeling, exclusivity--*away* from self preservation, self promotion.
I guess what I'm saying is that we need to be more intentional towards critical thinking and reflection that we can keep ourselves from *that* form of strategizing.
Posted by: Ruben Sun | March 17, 2008 at 10:15 PM